Alright- refering back to the last post- my book.
I made it to be my planner for the first six months of 2010. Hold on- I'm getting ahead of myself.
I have been on what I call, "The Endless Search For the Perfect Planner" since about 2006. I used to try all the different types of formats of planners that you can buy.
Franklin Covey was too constrictive, and didn't have enough empty space. (as in-NONE)
Barnes and Noble planners weren't bad, but again- no empty space.
Walmart planners had the same problem.
So last year, I, at long last decided that the only way to have my own planner is to MAKE my own planner. Little did I know that I would still have to test out a seemingly endless amount of formats.
My planner from the last 6 months of 2009 worked out pretty well but didn't quite work. I'll have to put in a pix of it later. I don't have it now. The first section I did was just a calender. and then there were about 6 other sections entitled things like, "Ooooh, Baby", "Shopping, Shopping", "It's all about ME", "Gifts: the Forbidden Section"... I don't remember the other two.
The bad part was that some of the sections were filled within 2 weeks, and others never filled up. Well, that drove me nuts. So I decided that this planner was going to have the first section be the calender, and the rest would just be blank for my journal. Actually, for EVERY journal- my daily journal, my scripture study journal, my sketching book, random notes, etc. Then I was going to make a table of contents at the beginning and color code each type of journal. That way I wouldn't have to precount and preguess how many pages each one would take. Sweet. I thought I had it solved.
I made my new planner out of 28 lb. paper, and by the time the calender section was done, I was like, " Oh crap! The book is going to be too fat to fit into my purse!" So I thought, "ok, no problem, I'll just make two books. One with a planner and one that is blank."
(Oh, I failed to mention before that the reason why I am combining all my journals into one and with my calender is because it's driving me crazy that my life history has to be referred to by reading 3 or 4 or 5 books!)
So I used the Calender for about 5 days to see how I liked it before making another book and I came to this conclusion-
I HATE it.
-Not enough blank space (That is ALWAYS the problem)
-Because I made it I can't just toss it about and abuse it. You can already see by the pictures that it's starting to wear.
So I did a google search on
"Best Planner ever" and found The Planner Pad.
I thought I could replicate it in a simple notebook. I haven't tried it yet. I still need the perfect notebook for the job. AND notebooks are lined. Which won't work. I enjoy too much the freedom of clean paper.
Ok, I think My ranting and raving are all done for now. For those of you who were bored enough to read this whole thing, I will update you shortly.
Until Then, the planner saga persists.