Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Today I put Teague down for his nap and went in a few minutes later to check and see if he was asleep, like I always do. He was WIDE awake. So I went in about 20 minutes later and...he was still awake. So I left and got involved with whatever the heck I was doing and forgot to check him again. About an hour later, I went in, expecting to find a sleeping baby and this is what I found:

So I went in to talk to him and my word he was in a chatty mood! SO I tickled him and played peek-a-boo. He's got the most precious little giggle. I layed down by him and stared at his beautiful little eyes and looked at his perfect little lips and realized that I'm not over the miracle of who he is and that my body gave him what he needed to form his body- his lips, his nose, his fingers, his blood... It's so incredible.
And so humbling.

1 comment:

  1. Keek! I'm so glad you're back in the blogging world! I'm excited for you to catch up!
    I'm impressed that Teague just laid there wide awake without complaining! What a good baby, you have!
    Thanks for sharing your miracle. I can only imagine. I hope I get that chance someday. But until then, thanks for sharing.
